What if a baby is sensitive to noise to the extent that he cries and screams at any loud or unfamiliar voices or sounds? The 5-month-old baby in this Q&A is very sensitive to new sounds, and his Mom wants tips on how to handle the situation.

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Mom’s Question:

My 5-month-old baby is overly sensitive to noise.  All of a sudden, he is now very sensitive to both new sounds and people. He screams like he is in pain and does not settle down.

Every time a baby cries at daycare he is screaming. He doesn’t eat or sleep well there.

He only sees his Grandma once a week, and he screams over every little thing with her. If she talks too loudly or picks him up too quickly, it’s like his little world has crumbled to pieces.

I cannot raise my voice at all, or he cries.

He also cries when his Grandpa talks too loudly or gets in his face when he first sees him, and they spend time together multiple days a week.

I feel sorry for him that he is afraid. Is it okay for him to cry for 15-20 minutes straight when his Grandma has him, or should I be taking him back to comfort him?

The whole family is frustrated and just thinks I’m being a picky and overprotective first-time mom. I disagree. I know Grandma does her best and is trying to comfort him, but he doesn’t settle down at all, and it makes me want to cry.

Any suggestions for helping him at daycare?

by Nancy

5 -Month- Old Baby Sensitive To Noise And New People

It does sound as if your little son is a bit more sensitive to loud sounds than the “average 5-month-old baby”. On the other hand, not being average is certainly not the same thing as not being normal. Babies are different; some need a little bit more security and comfort than others.

One thing that comes to my mind, though, is whether he is early with reaching his milestones? While most “average babies” might not be emotionally developed enough to experience separation anxiety and stranger anxiety until they are around seven months, some are early. And it does sound to me as if your son is experiencing these types of anxieties.

If that’s the case, he is in a sensitive development stage, and everything you can do to make him feel secure will actually help him get past this stage more quickly.

So, your instinct to NOT let him cry is completely right! It doesn’t really matter how good intentions grandma might have; your son needs you now or whoever else he is secure with.

At daycare, explain to his daycare nurse that he is in a sensitive period and simply needs to be cuddled, held, and cared for. Letting babies “cry it out” at this stage might actually simply make things worse. They cry for a reason!

To help him get used to loud sounds, maybe try and play some games with him, clapping hands or playing the drum, for example, to help him realize that loud sounds can be fun instead of frightening.

Here, you can read about another baby sensitive to loud sounds.

Also, read about the developmental milestones of five-month-old babies here. Make sure you also read about ages between 7 months old and nine months old to learn more about stranger and separation anxiety.

Hug your little son; he’ll grow big and bold faster than you know and want! :-)


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  1. Laura lopez

    Great response. My son is almost 11 months and has always been sensitive to loud talking and noises. Anytime we start talking louder or even laugh he gets upset or emotional. I’m not sure if he thinks we are angry maybe? He tries to put things with sounds by his ears so I’m confused