Baby Poop Colors That May Actually Be Normal (Stool Color Chart Included)
Baby poop colors are not just about dirty diapers; but a window into your baby's health. Yellow, green, red, orange, black or white, all have an explanation.
Who would have thought that you would spend so much time thinking about another person’s poop… Well, with babies, we always worry about their pooping and peeing and if their habits are normal.
Baby poop colors are not just about dirty diapers; but a window into your baby's health. Yellow, green, red, orange, black or white, all have an explanation.
Is your baby not pooping? Here are reasons to consider for breastfed, formulafed and combination fed babies, newborn and older. Effective constipation remedies.
Is it normal for a baby on solids to poop 5-6 times/day? Frequent bowel movements in babies can be normal or caused by a disease. Let's look at possible reasons.
Is it really normal with runny poop in a breastfed baby? Learn when runny, watery breastfed baby poop is normal, or a sign of diarrhea, or illness.
I have a 6-week-old breastfed baby with explosive poops. They are also watery. Read about possible reasons, such as mom's diet, oversupply, or tummy upsets.
My 7-month-old baby has diarrhea and went from pooping twice to 10 times per day, and I don't know why? What to do? Let's look at the most common reasons.
When introducing solids to our babies, their pooping may change drastically. What to do when a baby hasn't pooped after starting solids? When is it a problem?
Q&A: My newborn baby cries before she urinates, but not all the time. She cries for a few seconds, or sometimes minutes. Learn what it means and what to do!
What if a baby makes strange sounds and gasps when pooping? Read about possible causes of noisy breathing during pooping, diaper changes, and more.
"My baby is urinating blood. The doctor ran some tests - what can it be?" Read about reasons for blood in a baby's urine and what the blood color reveals.
"My 9-month-old baby's pee smells bad, especially the nappy I change in the morning. I am worried." Find 4 possible reasons to consider and what to do about it.
Noticing mucus in your toddler's stool? Learn about eight possible causes—from constipation to infections—and find out when it's time to consult a pediatrician.