If your baby has no hair, it is easy to become a little bit worried. Is this normal? Will the hair ever grow all over their head..?

Let’s take a look at hair loss and hair growth in babies and what’s normal and not. While uncommon, there are cases of abnormal hair growth and loss that are good to be aware of. 

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Mom’s Question:

My baby is six months old and has no hair! At this age, shouldn’t her hair have grown by now? I am worried that she has a disease or deficiency. Please guide me with this problem.



Normal Hair Growth for Babies

Hair growth is often linked to genetics. Gender and race also have their say on the hair quality on your baby’s head. Some newborns can be born with a head full of hair, while others are bald, but not to worry, as this is normal. When your babies are inside your wombs, there is an increased supply of hormones from the mothers, hastening hair growth. But once these babies come out into the world, the hormones decrease gradually; hence, we can see them lose the fine hair as they grow, to be replaced with new permanent hair.

The linear hair growth rate is generally higher in girls than in boys. Hence, you can see women have longer hair and can easily sustain them, whereas it would take longer for men to have the same hair length.

Additionally, if a baby’s parents have fuller and thicker hair, he is most likely to have the same hair color and texture as his parents. Moreover, an African-American baby is more likely to have coarser hair than a Caucasian baby.

Possible Reasons for Hair Loss In Babies and Toddlers

Normal Hair Loss in Babies and Toddlers

You are worried that your baby’s hair is not growing as it should. Being only six months old, this is completely normal! Many babies, even if they were born with a lot of hair, lose some or all of it during their first six months. Often, between 6 and 12 months old, the baby’s hair starts growing back again. You may discover that your baby’s new hair is completely different in color or texture than what she had as a newborn.

Here are normal causes for hair loss in babies:

  1. Hormones – As already mentioned above, when a baby is in the womb, the hormones are high; hence the growth of hair is enhanced. But the hormones eventually decrease when the baby is born, making the fine hair fall off. But this is a normal occurrence in babies.
  2. Friction or Pressure Alopecia – Alopecia means hair loss. This can be seen in babies from 2 to 6 months old. There is often a bald spot on the back of his head, indicating his usual sleeping position. This area often rubs the mattress, causing the hair to fall off. The hair grows back once the baby changes his sleeping position and sits up more.
  3. Traction alopecia – This can be seen in toddlers whose hair is often tied up too tightly, accompanied by vigorous hair-brushing. The hair breaks, which causes hair to fall off. Hair eventually grows back, so there is no need to worry. Just brush gently and tie it up neatly, but not too tight.
  4. Telogen Effluvium – This is generally caused by physical and emotional stress. Hair follicles are said to be very sensitive to stress. Continuous exposure to severe stress can cause hair to fall off, causing bald patches on your head. Severe illness, surgery, or high fever are just some examples of stress that can trigger hair loss. Hair usually grows back in 12 months.

Abnormal Hair Loss in Babies and Toddlers

These usually include medical conditions that cause hair loss, poor hair growth, or poor hair quality in babies and toddlers.

  1. Ringworm -This is one of the most common reasons for hair loss in children. Scaly and flaky bald spots, which can seem inflamed or reddish, are often caused by ringworms. This fungal infection can easily be treated by antifungal shampoo or oral medications.
  2. Alopecia areata – This is an autoimmune disease that attacks the hair follicles, causing hair loss. The more hair follicles are affected, the more hair loss occurs. This may occur during childhood. This autoimmune disease is characterized by phases of hair growth and hair loss. Sometimes, this comes hand in hand with Loose Anagen Hair Syndrome (LAH); see below. Treatment includes creams and oral medications and will depend on the age of onset, the amount of hair loss, and the location of hair loss on the head. Sometimes, hair will regrow on its own without the need for medications.
  3. Trichotillomania – This is a habitual twisting and pulling of hair, causing hair to break off at different lengths and locations. Usually, there are multiple bald spots. This is usually associated with habitual nail biting, lip biting or sucking, and sore picking habits, which are commonly manifested by children with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Children often need psychotherapy treatment for this.
  4. Hypothyroidism – this is a common endocrine disorder wherein there is a limited production of the thyroid, producing small amounts of thyroid hormones. There are many types of hypothyroidism in children (see here.)  There is hair loss, easy fatigability, weight gain, cold intolerance, and slow pulse rate, among others. A panel of tests for confirmation will be performed to secure a diagnosis. Treatment includes oral medications. It is best to consult an endocrinologist when these symptoms are manifested by your child.
  5. Nutritional deficiencies – children with low intake of biotin (vitamin B), vitamin D, iron, and zinc are known to experience hair loss. Increasing their food intake rich in these will remedy the hair loss just fine.
  6. Chemotherapy – one of the common side effects of chemotherapy drugs is hair loss. However, this is mostly temporary; hair can regrow after chemo sessions stop.
  7. LAH – This is a self-limiting condition where the hair is not anchored properly to the scalp. This commonly occurs in girls aged 2 to 6 years old. The hair is not shiny and does not grow. There are noticeable bald spots. The hair is unruly, frizzy, and sparse. This condition resolves spontaneously. Some cases need further testing and oral medications or creams. Consult your doctor when the symptoms stated are manifested by your child.

Call your doctor when:

  • There is hair loss, and your child looks very sick
  • Patches of hair loss which are reddish and inflamed or swollen
  • When you suspect ringworm infection
  • Patches of bald spots for no apparent reason
  • Breakage of hair in different areas at different lengths
  • Hair pulling is persistent and does not seem to stop at any time
  • There is widespread hair thinning with no apparent cause

Generally, hair loss is common and usually resolves on its own. However, consulting your pediatrician for the above-listed signs is vital in getting an accurate diagnosis (this includes further investigation for other signs and symptoms on your part).

These conditions can be treated, but your baby must see a doctor.

I hope this doesn’t make you worried! Chances are that your daughter does not have a hair problem at all; she is just a normal little infant with a normal not-yet-so-pretty hairdo!

But if you believe that she may suffer from one of the problems described above or simply think that her scalp doesn’t look normal, let her see a pediatrician or mention your worries during your baby’s next well-child exam.

I hope this helps,


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This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Rita

    Hi moms,
    My baby was born with so much hair; now she is 12 months, and her hair is falling out. Is that normal?

  2. Arun

    I am the father of 1.5 yr old infant boy. Til now his hair growth is abnormal. The hair is very small and is not growing as it should be..Is it normal or what should I do? I am Indian. please help me


    1. Paula @ EasyBabyLife

      Hi Arun, I suggest you pay a visit to a pediatrician with your son to mitigate your worries. However, the fact that a child doesn’t have much hair at 18 months old can be totally normal. So don’t be too worried. But it may still be a good idea to have it checked up.

      I wish you good luck,


  3. Mom

    My daughter 5yr.old it is really hard for her hair to grow on the sides, what are some products that will help her hair? She has African American hair.

  4. Leah

    My niece has the same problem. She was born with a lot of hair. She is now 16 months and somehow in-between time her hair has come out. She has got one pack of long hair in the middle of her hair and the rest is just about an inch long. The doctors said that it is nothing wrong with her hair. Is there something that I can do to it or buy to put in her hair that will make it grow? I put do grow in my son’s hair at 6 months when the back of his head started falling out and that helped his hair grow back fast but it hasn’t worked for my niece.

  5. Ninsiima Diane

    Am sorry mine is also a question my baby boy is now 1and 8months but has no hair what could b the problem thank you

    1. Paula @ EasyBabyLife

      Is your son completely bald or does he just have very little hair? Any bald patches? He is 20 months old?

  6. Worried

    My baby is 16months old, she was having a lot of hair when I gave birth to her, but now all the hair is falling off. I’m very worried because I don’t see it growing at all.

    please advise me, what should i do?

    1. Mary

      Shouldn’t you take your baby to the doctor? I think I would.

  7. my daughter too

    My daughter is 10 months and she doesn’t have much hair. The hair she has is very fine and soft. My son was the same. After 1 year of age his hair started to grow well and to thicken. We also shaved my son and daughters hair to help it grow evenly and thick. It worked. My children are part Indian.

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