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What if a toddler or baby shakes after waking up? It can look scary, and it is important to find out why this is happening.

Let’s look at possible reasons why a baby shakes after waking up, including normal and illness-related reasons.

UPDATE: Many parents have shared how their babies shake after waking up, diagnoses, and how they’ve handled the situations, so make sure to read those, too, for more support.

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The information in this article is provided by Medical Doctor Janina Kong. The purpose is to provide examples and knowledge to help parents dig deeper into their baby’s situation, not to offer a complete picture or a possible diagnosis.

Mom’s Question:
My baby shakes after waking up – uncontrollably! It’s not an all-the-time thing.

It started happening when she was about 7 months old; my husband and I noticed it. Then for a while, she was doing it throughout the day. My friend and I were having lunch, and she stopped what she was doing, looked at my daughter weirdly, and said, “What is she doing?” I said that I didn’t know.

This usually happens after she wakes up from either a nap or when she wakes up in the morning. My friend commented that her son used to do that same kind of shake. She said that she was told it was from them being so sleepy and maybe going potty in their diapers, and it kind of shocks them. My baby just woke up from her nap about 20 minutes ago, and it happened again. The periods are getting longer, and she just shakes. Kind of like an adult shakes when we get cold.

I just would like to know if it’s something I should inform the doctor about next time she goes or if it’s just her way of waking up? This is my first child, so I’m still learning a lot. Any info I can get, I’d greatly appreciate it!



Ashley P.

Reasons Why a Toddler or Baby Shakes After Waking Up And What To Do

I understand that you are worried, and of course, anything that seems odd with a baby’s behavior is good to discuss during health check-ups.

Let’s tackle possible reasons why a baby’s body may shake after waking up.

1. Normal vs. Abnormal Shaking When Waking Up

First, let us differentiate what is normal from what is not. Babies, or kids in general, shiver when feeling cold or waking up. Sometimes, it is a form of stimulation to wake up; other times, they just feel cold. This is completely normal.

When a baby shakes after waking up, and the shaking is associated with other extraordinary signs like head bobbing, altered conscious states, fever, arching of the back, upward rolling of eyeballs, and repetitive jerky movements, then it becomes abnormal and requires immediate medical attention.

A seizure is a sign that there is a neurologic problem or compromise.

Here are several conditions that may help you understand what your child may (or may not be going through):

2. Sleep myoclonus (also called nocturnal myoclonus)

This is commonly referred to as benign neonatal sleep myoclonus. This occurs in newborn babies and usually resolves within a year.

Sleep myoclonus occurs during the early stages of sleep and involves small muscles like the arms or legs. This may be provoked by light, sound, or noise. There is flexion of the feet, knees, and legs. However, EEG findings during this occurrence and neurologic examination are normal.

Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus usually resolves on its own, hence the word benign.

If the symptoms occur during a wakeful state, consult your doctor immediately.

3. Metabolic imbalance in babies (hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia)

This commonly occurs in newborn babies born to malnourished mothers during pregnancy. Mothers with poor intake of sugar, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium can give birth to babies who are hypoglycemic and hypocalcemic with jerky movements that can be seen developing within days of birth.

EEG findings are normal; however, lab results may show low sugar, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and potassium levels. Correction of this imbalance and anticonvulsant medications are enough to resolve this condition.

Mothers are also tested for conditions that may cause electrolyte imbalance. One of the tests includes thyroid function tests, as thyroid hormones affect calcium levels in your body.

4. Infantile spasms

Infantile spasms are a form of epilepsy that occurs between 2 to 12 months of age. It usually peaks at 4 to 8 months of age.

This is a series of seizures that lasts 5 to 10 seconds. The interval between the series of episodes is short and usually includes stiffening of the body and arching of the back, with the neck, arms, and legs bending forward. This commonly occurs when the baby wakes up. There is also a loss of interaction and previously learned/exhibited developmental milestones.

If this occurs, bring your baby to the emergency room immediately. Diagnosis can be made with EEG (which shows a specific pattern when an episode occurs). Causes of infantile spasms may be difficult to pinpoint.

Management for this condition includes anticonvulsants and ACTH. However, your child may still have neurodevelopmental issues even if the seizures will stop. Consult your pediatric neurodevelopmental specialists for treatment options.

5. Febrile seizures

Febrile seizures are triggered during high febrile episodes, hence the name. This usually happens at 3-6 months to 5 years of age. Most commonly, febrile seizures are hereditary. There can be a full-body convulsion (simple) or localized jerky movements (complex) lasting for 10 to 15 minutes. Resolution of fever and the focus of fever (which is usually an infection) also resolve seizures.

There is no neurological deficit associated with febrile seizures.

6. Immature nervous system

The nervous system in newborn babies is not yet fully developed, resulting in jerky and twitchy movements that they cannot control. As babies grow and the nervous system matures, their body movement also becomes fluid. The presence of reflexes indicates that the nervous system is yet to mature.

There are normal reflexes that are present during the newborn stage. These include the startle reflex or Moro reflex, sucking reflex, step reflex, and grasp reflex, among others. Most of these reflexes disappear as the nervous system develops and matures.

An infantile reflex that does not disappear at a given age can indicate neurological damage and requires consultation with a neurologist.

7. Infections

Viral encephalitis or bacterial meningitis causes inflammation of brain tissue and ultimately causes seizures. The seizures can be generalized or localized. This is usually associated with fever, altered mental state, and symptoms associated with infection (e.g., flu symptoms like cough and untreated colds).

Antivirals or antibiotics are usually given to treat this condition. Examining the spinal fluid is essential in diagnosing and treating brain infections. Patients are also given anticonvulsant medications.

8. Anatomical abnormalities in the brain

A brain mass or tumor can cause seizures. Hydrocephalus can also cause seizures. Anything that disrupts the normal anatomy and increases the intracranial pressure in the brain can cause seizures. These conditions require surgical management.

9. Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a brain condition that causes seizures. It is a fairly common disorder in both children and adults. There are 2 types of seizures: focal or localized seizures and generalized seizures. The seizures occur because of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Focal seizures occur in a certain part of the brain and usually manifest symptoms that are associated with that part of the brain.

A baby or child may have an aura or feeling of impending doom before a seizure occurs. They may have visual changes or hearing abnormalities. Focal seizures may be simple or complex. There can be lip-smacking, gagging, screaming, crying, and losing consciousness.

Generalized seizures usually include both sides of the brain. The child may be caught staring into space with an altered level of consciousness for a brief second. There may be blinking or face twitching. This is the absence or petit mal seizure. Loss of muscle tone or tonic-clonic muscle movements can also occur for other types of generalized seizures.

The characteristics of seizures in epilepsy include the following:

  1. Include staring into space, lip-smacking, gagging, upward rolling of eyeballs, twitching of facial muscles or mouth, rapid blinking, head bobbing
  2. Jerking movements of the arms and legs
  3. Can be generalized or localized
  4. Altered sensorium
  5. Altered breathing patterns
  6. Loss of bowel or bladder control
  7. Unresponsiveness for a brief moment
  8. Usually results in drowsiness or extreme tiredness
  9. They occur at random

Any one of these signs and symptoms warrants medical attention as soon as possible. Your doctor will investigate the cause of seizures at the onset.

What to Do Next

Try to catch the shaking on film and visit a pediatrician. Also, take notes on when the shaking happens, the frequency of the shaking, and possible triggers.

If your baby has normal reflexes, gains weight, is at par with her developmental milestones for her age, does not have any signs of infections, and does not exhibit any of the signs and symptoms described here, the chances of her having seizures are low.

I wish you good luck! Please post back and tell us how things go.


More Shaking Babies

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This Post Has 83 Comments

  1. Mom of 8-month-old

    my son has been doing this for a while kinda like withdrawals it seems like he usually did the shaking when he would fall asleep and let go and he realized he wasn’t done so he would flip out looking for more, he recently just started shaking well nursing and he fell asleep he was eating well shaking I’m also a little worried about him as he doesn’t seem to eat much food at all mostly just wants to nurse all the time…

  2. Lacey

    My 18-month-old son has been waking up shaking and really wobbly for about 9 months. He will shake all over and if you sit him down he can’t walk well he will fall over or trip over nothing. We have also been seeing an ear nose and throat specialist since he was 8 months old. He constantly has an inner ear infection and is almost always put on a steroid after a visit to the doc. Although lately, it has gotten better, his ears have affected his hearing, and he has started developing a small stutter, which is something I plan to mention at our next dr visit.

    But my answer to you is don’t wait with the neurology appointment. I waited to say anything forever about how my son would shake and now we have to wait until January for his app, they are going to do an overall exam but def. look deep into seizures in his sleep.

    1. Ashley

      What did you find out at the neurologists? My son does the same thing and we’re currently waiting 5 months to get in for his neurology appt.

    2. Amberlee Powers

      What’s the update?

  3. Rebecca

    My 1-year-old daughter has shacking spells that last about two minutes in that time she stares off for about 45 seconds, I noticed the last time she did it that her lips, feet, and hands were purple. My home is always warm, it’s never under 72 degrees so it cant be because she’s cold. she has an appointment on July 21st for a Pediatric Neurologist, but I told her regular doctor about her turning purple and he said not to worry about it. My daughter also has a condition called Torticollis.

  4. Samantha

    My son is 16 months. He has been doing the same thing for about 2 months now. Mostly when he wakes up or sees someone or something that excites him. My doctor actually observed him doing it at our last appointment when he walked into the room. He told me it was nothing to worry about and described it as an immaturity of the central nervous system. He believes that it will go away with age and I will begin to see it less and less over time. He said when he would worry is if he was in a daze or staring off into space.

    Normally when my son does it he is playing and completely responsive. My only concern is it seems to be happening more and more. Today it lasted all morning while our friends were here and even this afternoon when it was just him and I. I am going to bring this up to a specialist we are seeing next week for another problem he is having, which is standing up. Hope this helps for those of you in the same position.

  5. Domonique

    Hi to everyone who has posted and r in need of answers.

    Starting from the beginning, I am a 25 yr old mom. my son was born on Aug 8 full term. I was supposed to have him vaginal but my bp went extremely high I had eclampsia. I was giving mag sulfate to try n control my bp n prevent me from having seizures n going into a coma. I was told they have to do a c-section. I had 2 spinals done. Once the 2 was done, I thought I was ab to see my son. Unfortunately, I felt the first cut to my abd. They had to put me under general anesthesia. My son was born but from what I was told it took them 10+ mins to get him to wake up. Finally, he made the first cry and everything was fine. He was released from the hospital the same day I was on Aug 12.

    My son was fine, healthy n actually working a little over his milestone. At 2 weeks he was smiling, 2 1/2 months he was holding his bottle without assistance, he was holding his head up at 3 mon. Everything was moving along great. At 3 1/2 months he started to have a little cold, I told him to the Pedi where she gave me a sample of peditrex to give to him for 2 weeks, never been sick before this.

    Before he became 4 months, on dec 3, we were out of town, I found my son unresponsive in the bed with foam coming from out of his mouth. Only because I’m in nursing school I knew what to do. I tried to arouse him, I checked for a pulse, then call for help. I started CPR. He wasn’t waking up r responding. Finally, we got to the ER and he had to be intubated. We were admitted into PICU from dec 3-19..

    Come to find out my son either had a seizure in his sleep first or his sugar bottomed out. He was hypoglycemic with a serum glucose of 9 n a one-touch glucose of 23 (which normally is 70-110). He was in a hypoglycemic coma. While in the hospital he started twitching in his right hand and leg, then it switched to the other side, then eventually it was his entire body. The dr was unsure which happened first. He was started on Keppra, Dilantin, and phenobarbital to control the small seizure activity he was having. They ran different tests, labs, ct scan, MRI, EEG n X-rays everything came back normal. Come to find out the chief pedi of PICU thought that ther peditrex he was prescribed had something to do with his sugar bottoming out. He did his research n I was told that peditrex is not supposed to be given to children under the age of 1 and it was taking off the market.
    Wow huh??? that’s what I was thinking.

    My son finally woke up out of his coma on dec 16 n was taken off the vent. We stayed in PICU until the 19 so they could continue to monitor him. On the 19th, we were moved to the floor where the chief made rounds to check on him. The neurologist that was assisting him in the PICU, wanted to wean him off down to 1 seizure med but I explained to them that he was still having twitching spells in his hands so they left him on Dilantin n phenobarbital. We were discharged from the hospital on dec 23. On dec 25, I took him back to the er cause he was having crying spells that lasted for 2-3 hrs none stop. They told me he was irritable. We got d/c. So on the 26 he continued to cry. I tried doing everything I could to calm him..nothing would work. On the 27 I took him back to the er, they said the same thing he’s irritable. This time he cried for 6hrs straight! We got d/c.

    On the 28 we made it back home. The first thing I did was change my son’s pedi because of what the chief pedi told me ab that peditrex. So we had an appt with the new pedi. I got a copy of my son’s records before we made it hm. Just so happen the pedi son’s has seizures. She wanted something done ASAP… she called around trying to get us in to see a neurologist everyone she talked to they had a waiting list up to 4 months. In one week she called the neurologist clinic at LSU-HSU where she explained to them that this is a 4-month-old baby who needs to be seen immediately. He can’t wait 4 months.

    Eventually, they finally got us in, in a week. We saw the neurologist… Basically, he asked questions n read the records. So he decided to do another EEG for 24 hrs to see what was going on. That was done on jan 12.. They gave me a sheet to write the time, a description of the event, n hit record on the computer every time he has something. I had at least 200 things on the sheet from jerking, twitching, smacking on the lips, entire body jumping, staring into space, etc.

    The neurologist came in after the 24 hrs were up n did a quick scan through the computer comparing it to my
    Paper. He said it appears he has some seizures but he would have to sit in watch the entire 24 hr video. he started him on Zonegran another seizure med plus he’s still on pheno n Dilantin.

    While we were in hospital he scheduled for the endocrinologist to come see my son for his low sugar. We were only supposed to be in the hospital for 24 hrs but we happened to stay for 3 days cause they wanted to monitor his sugar. The time we were in the hospital his sugar was fine. Upon d/c I was told to monitor his sugar at hm for 2 weeks 3xs a day (before breakfast n dinner then at 3 am) he sugar was fine. They also ran a thyroid function test on his as well. Those too came back normal. So now we have appts with both the Neuro n endoc drs.

    2-week Neuro follow-up: MYOCLONUS SEIZURE
    He wanted to see how the new med is working n if I see any difference. NONE! That is what I told him. Seem like my son was getting worse. Since the new med and the pheno… it caused him to have bad n long crying spells. Once he got the pheno, his jerks became very strong n cried for 8 -10 hrs. The Neuro told me that the pheno n Dilantin r both drugs that were used way way back in the day for seizures but there are new meds like the Zonegran that are used for myoclonus seizures. So we decided to wean him off pheno it took ab 2 wks to do that. so far the activities r not as strong as they were. Now my son just cries n cries forever…nothing calms him. I had to take him to the er 4xs back to back cause it was other I could do to stop him from crying plus I was crying as well cause I was just tired n emotionally drained. They called the Neuro n he told them to increase the dose on his new med Zonegran. That worked for a few nights.

    Next Neuro follow-up:
    wean him off Dilantin so he could be on just one med, which he was completed weaned off now he’s just on Zonegran. Since he’s been off pheno, he’s improved but the crying is still the same. Since I started weaning on Dilantin his left leg shakes once I wake him up, while he’s awake, n right before he has the jerking spells. It’s like he has an aura (knows that the seizure is ab to come). He stares n turns his head in one direction almost like he is forcing his entire body to turn completely around. I tap him on his nose to allow him to come back, he would blink his eyes n would focus more on what he was doing. This happens at least 20xs a day. He would also start crying out of the blue, lips would shiver, n left leg would shake. Neuro said that it is a normal effect of myoclonus seizure. He should grow out of it. He has to get another MRI done of the brain which he was supposed to get done on feb 2 but he just finished having RSV so they couldn’t do it. so the beginning of march he should have that done. Pray no brain damage!!!!

    His new pedi also got him an appt to see the geneticist. He just saw them on the 14th of this month. Since no one knows y or how it happened, they r going to see if it was something that was missed at birth. The geneticist done another newborn screening (which can be done again up to a yr), liver function test, thyroid panel, etc. I should find something out sometime this week r the beginning of next week. We also have appts set up for second opinions at Texas children’s hospital in Houston, TX in April and May..SECOND OPINIONS ARE NEVER BAD!!!!!

    My son continues to cry, stare, shriver his lips, and shakes his left leg. We are basically doing a trial n error to see what med is going to work for him. Everyone is saying that it is uncommon for a 4 mon to just out the blue start having seizures. There is something everyone is overlooking. The Neuro n geneticist are saying that the seizure would be been noticed as soon as birth or it could start once they turn 2 r above. Never have they heard of it starting in the middle at almost 4 mon.

    Praying that something comes back from the geneticist test results but if not its a mystery. Im just grateful he’s alive!!! It’s been a rough few months but we are going to get to the bottom of everything. He’s going to grow out of this. Don’t wait until it’s too late to do something…if u feel it don’t look normal u have the right to get it checked, if not by ur child pedi, get someone else that will take u seriously… We have the right to be concerned ab our child(ren) n their well-being..

    We have no diabetics/seizures that run in mine nor his father’s side of the family..only thing that runs in family are HTN n Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol).

    ALL PARENTS: have faith, believe, and trust in the person u worship for he will not let us down.

    Thanks for allowing me to share this with you. Glad I have people I could talk to ab this because it’s hard holding everything in, jugging nursing school, he’s appts n mine it’s a lot. I do a lot of research on what’s going on with my son…I’m trying to put the pieces together along with everyone else. If I could help, just let me know!

  6. Wendy

    Sometimes they dream of doing certain actions then and then relieve the dream when they wake up, at least for a few seconds.

    sometimes they get twitching muscles cos they don’t yet have strong ones therefore one muscle twitch, twitches all connected, and then the whole body shakes. If they respond quickly when you wake them up then it isn’t seizures but you might want to get more opinions from your doctors just to be relieved

  7. still worried

    It is nice to see there are a lot of people with the same problem, however, if anyone has ANY OTHER INFORMATION about this topic please post thanks!

    1. Paula @easybabylife

      If your child is having tremors I suggest you try to get it on video. Then take this to your doctor to view and ask them for a referral to a pediatrician – or take your child directly to a pediatrician if that’s how it works where you live.

      If you are really concerned and you have to wait a while for the doctor/pediatrician or if the tremors are frequent take your video into your local children’s emergency rooms.

      There are many reasons a baby or toddler could have tremors (as exemplified in the article, and with lots of more examples among all the comments), some innocent and some can cause permanent developmental issues if left untreated. I would ask to have a consult with a specialist though not just a general practitioner.

      I wish you good luck!

  8. Leanne

    Hi – I posted a while back about my 14 mth old (who is now 16 months) and just thought I would update what happened for those that may be experiencing something similar. My daughter had blood tests, urine tests, and an EEG and it was all normal, fortunately, she also stopped having the tremors. She had 3 craniosacral treatments unsure if that is why they stopped?

    The paediatrician thought they could have been caused by a type of reflux that can look like seizures. Since they have stopped I have not pushed for further investigations, I am just hoping they stay away. I hope other people’s children are going well and that you find out what is causing their tremors – good luck!

  9. Ang

    My 2-year-old son has had three fits from febrile temps…but also have noticed him shaking on waking up and be in an agitated state for a while. He sometimes makes strange repetitive movements then carries on doing what he was doing, he doesn’t sleep too well on a night. We have seen the neuro peadiatrician who said he wasn’t too worried as he was reaching his milestones. He was sent for an EEG but wouldn’t sit still for it and screamed so the doctor could not conduct it and now the paediatrician says he doesn’t think he will need one. I see him again in a month but feel a bit confused as to whether it is serious enough for me to be worried.

  10. Rico

    My 15-month-old King of this house has scared me tremendously when he shakes. At times this happens when he wakes up from naps or from a good night’s sleep. He screams as if he was scared, better yet, terrified, and shakes uncontrollably. He gets this blank stare in his eyes and looks at me as if he didn’t recognize me. I am a stay-at-home dad and primary caregiver. I am so worried that something may be wrong. Any advice?

    1. TaM

      It sounds like your baby might be having seizures… Usually, when someone comes out of a seizure they’re very confused, and it sounds like your baby is maybe scared of what’s happening. I would call your pediatrician. I posted before about my 10-month-old, and we went to his pediatrician about it. He’s having an EEG and MRI next week to check. His doctor said a lot of babies have “uncomplicated” seizures that are easily controlled. If that’s what happens with your baby, hopefully, it’s something they can get under control easily. But I would definitely get it checked out.

  11. Leanne

    Hi- I posted last week about my 14-month-old having tremors. We have an appointment with our paediatrician but could not get in for a couple of weeks. I also caught one on camera and took her into a hospital to get checked because I did not want to wait that long. All they could do was some urine and blood tests and put my baby on a waitlist for an EEG, they said we might not get in until early December! Not happy about having to wait that long but what else can I do? The big public hospitals are the only ones with the equipment so I do not have the choice of going private. I am in Australia, where are the people from which are getting testing done quickly from? Any suggestions? Thanks

    1. Lilly

      I am sorry you have to wait too long. I am in Kentucky, USA so here we can get things done pretty quickly. When we went to our doctor about this we got an EEG done in 2 days. We are waiting to get back in with the dr. to see how things went and to see what’s next in the testing. I hope they find something out with your little one. I know this is a hard thing to deal with. Just be patient and keep your baby close by so you know nothing else happens. Keep us posted on what happens.

  12. TaM

    My son is 10 months old… he started doing this occasionally a few months ago. It happened again last night and I finally called his doctor today. I am taking him in on Tuesday because the doctor said he wasn’t sure what was going on, but that it didn’t sound normal. So we’ll see what happens. He did say they were going to do an EEG to check for seizure activity (he didn’t think that was what it was because my son is never unresponsive when he’s shaking) and check his blood sugar. I’m leaning more towards the blood sugar because the shaking started not long after he started eating table food. I’ll let you know what we find out!

  13. Kristen

    My son also did something similar to what everyone is talking about. Started when he was younger, maybe even at birth. But when they are first born it’s harder to tell. It took over a year for the Dr’s to figure out what it was. And just this year he was diagnosed with Myoclonic Jerks, a form of Epilepsy. NOW I DONT like to think of these jerks as types of seizures, but they are. He now takes medicine for it, and seems to be fine. They finally caught something on his 3rd EEG. So please anyone who doesn’t think that the shaking, or however anyone describes it, isn’t a big deal. You need to push the Dr’s into doing testing!!! The squeaky wheel gets the oil! Don’t back down until you get it figured out!!

  14. Emma

    My daughter is 2 years old and here recently she has been shaking during the middle of the night. But the weird thing is, it only happens when she hasn’t had a nap. And throughout the day she complains that the right side of her head and eye hurt. We go to the pediatrician tomorrow but does anyone have any ideas or comments on how to control this?

    1. Paula @ EasyBabyLife

      Many babies wake up more and are unsettled at night if they haven’t slept enough during the day. Maybe that is what is affecting your daughter. If she doesn’t shake after naps, make sure she really gets enough naps and see if the pattern of no shaking continues. You can also try a slightly earlier bedtime in the evening and see if it helps.

      Regarding her pain, it could maybe be a sinus infection or an ear infection. How good that you are off to have her examined! Please let us know what the doctor said.

      Warm wishes,


      1. Emma

        Hey Paula,

        Thanks so much for getting back with me. We usually put her down by 8:30 pm for bed and she sleeps till 8:30 am so it is so hard getting a nap out of her, by the time it reaches 5:30 she does want to sleep so I let her sleep an hour. We took her to the doctors yesterday and she is wondering if she is having seizures so we are having an EEG tomorrow. I will keep you updated. Thanks so much

  15. Leanne


    I realize some of these posts are old but I am hoping some people will look back at let us know how their children are now?

    I have a nearly 14-month-old girl, she had mild tremors from birth. The ped did blood glucose and checked for signs of central nervous system disorders (such as clonus), which were not present. He said it was probably a benign condition that would go away.

    She tremors much less now and it is usually upon waking, but I also see a mild tremor at other times, they only last seconds not minutes. This morning she had 4 quick tremors each lasting a second where her hands curled in a bit and she extended through her head, she seemed aware and was perfectly fine afterward, but it worried me a lot.

    I am planning on talking to the ped again soon and I am trying craniosacral therapy. I will let people know how it goes if there is interest. I would be very interested in knowing how older children are that have experienced this as babies- if they have any coordination issues (mild or otherwise) or developmental problems in any area. thanks

  16. chiara

    Maybe it would be helpful for us all to post our child’s profile, if they show some of the symptoms above (it seems from the posts above that there may be a few different situations described).

    Sex: Male
    Age: 28 months
    Age at first occurrence: About 12 months
    Age at most recent: 28 months
    Frequency: About every 4-6 weeks
    Trigger: When woken in the middle of his sleep.
    Symptoms: Shivers & shakes (more than just as if he is cold) for about 10 minutes
    Consciousness: Fully conscious (obviously sleepy), able to act on instructions.
    Nappy/diaper: Probably just weed or loose poo on waking
    Mood: Upset and tearful during shaking.
    Physical development: Normal
    Mental development: Normal
    Medication: None
    Health: Normal
    Diagnosis: Not consulted doctor yet.

    Did I miss anything obvious?

  17. Martha

    I read numerous posts about people with little ones who shake or tremble and then go into a blank stare which ends with the tremble. These are petitmal seizures and should not be ignored.

    Children who go into blank stares and are unresponsive even for seconds, can be having them. Children can outgrow them but in the meantime, they need to be watched. They CANNOT be exposed to electronic games such as leapsters, DS, or any flashing/strobe lights.

    Children who don’t outgrow petit mal seizures will need medications. A child with any seizure activity needs to be monitored when they are going downstairs, playing on playground equipment, etc. because having a ‘blank moment’ could result in a dangerous fall.

    Do not just assume this is normal baby activity. Have it check out and be safe.

  18. luann

    my 8-month-old has been doing that same thing. I am scared, have had a lot of problems, miscarriages, a child with cleft lip and palate, SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) in past. Help what is wrong?

  19. Erica

    my daughter is 4yrs old and has been shaking the same way since she was a baby…everyone keeps saying she will grow out of it but it doesn’t seem like she will. when she wakes up she shakes for a while but if I or someone else wakes her up the shaking is worse and goes for a longer period of time… I spoke to her pedi and he said it will go away not sure if I should relax or get another opinion… i’m just worried about her. does anyone have any advise as to what might be the problem

  20. Ella

    I found thus forum on a completely unrelated search. But after reading it I feel for all the moms out there and decided maybe my story can somehow help you.

    My boyfriend recently told me I sometimes shake when I fall asleep(he said this is how he knows I am asleep). At first, I found it strange but then I realized I have always had “the shakes”. Sometimes I can have them randomly for about a second this has happened for as long as I can remember. But other times when it is normal to shake like from a sunburn, being cold, or being so sick I will shake more than most. I remember now being caused by overdramatizing as a child. I will also rarely shake in the morning. I am not sure if I wake from shaking or if I shake after I wake. However, I never feel disoriented or lose control of my voice. In fact, I never really thought it weird till my boyfriend mentioned it.

    My point is to you mothers out there is that if I have the same thing as your kids I never really grew out of it but it in no way disturbs my life. I am in good health and 23 years old.

  21. lala

    My daughter does this too. She is 8 months old and it really seems to be only when woken up – not when she wakes naturally. I will go to the doctors – no history of seizures/diabetes or anything in my family. She is very advanced physically and mentally and meets all the right height/weight milestones. I wish I could find more information (mainly reassurance) on this!

  22. Brian

    I am so relieved to find this thread. Finally current conversations in regards to similarities our family is experiencing.

    Our son will be 1 on May 7th. The day after Christmas he began to have these episodes in which it looks like he is being tazed. They last from 1 second up to 15. It doesn’t appear that they hurt, but he loses control of his muscles primarily. Sometimes he can turn his head during them. Clapping and snapping seem to help bring him out of them.

    We were at Children’s hospital for 3 days. They ran EEG, MRI, and various other tests with no apparent cause. It’s scary to watch any child have to deal with this. He is extremely bright, was walking at 10.5 months, teeth coming in, acting out the itsy bitsy spider, just smart it seems. He’s hitting milestones, but we have this issue. They went away for a few weeks and now came back. We have a follow-up with the Neuro, and then I think we will see a geneticist. Any thoughts from anyone?

  23. Faith

    My daughter has been shaking since she was born. The shaking was very obvious and I believe that it delayed her developmentally. At around eight months, her shaking subsided significantly and she’s now only doing it when she wakes up. Not anytime she wakes up, only when her sleep was interrupted and she didn’t get her full rest. If she gets up in that state, she’s very irritated and clingy for some time. If she gets enough sleep, she doesn’t shake upon waking and gets up in a great mood. I’m thinking it’s time to see a neurologist. She’s almost 2.5 and still isn’t talking. Every bit of her development was delayed except when she got her teeth. She didn’t roll over until about 8 months and didn’t walk until she was 1 yr 9 months. Otherwise, she’s bright. She understands and responds. She eats well and generally is a happy little one.

  24. june

    My 2 year old shakes like that from time to time not sure if its always after a nap or not. But does anyone else kids palms of hands, bottom of feet and lips turn grey blue color? Worried.

  25. Keri

    I commented earlier about my 15-year-old daughter with seizures, and now the Dr has referred my 9-month-old to a neurologist. He says she should not shake/tremble unless she is cold. It is 90 here. She kind of did it when he was trying to look in her ears. She tried to grab his light, and her arms were slightly shaking. I Will let you know about Neurologist visit. Also to the person who commented to me before about their son. I feel for you. It is so helpless to have a child with a neurological disorder. I have a monitor in my 15 year old’s room that has a camera on it. Same as in baies room. She feels better because when she starts to feel a seizure coming on she just has to say my name and I am up and in there in 30 secs. Also….always try to get any odd movement on camera. My mobile camera is awesome so I have recorded this movement and it helps the docs ALOT!@

  26. Lina

    My son is eight years old and a picture of health. But lately, 4 months or so, would wake up in the middle of the night crying for help because he couldn’t move his legs at all. But now we found out from him that before he could call for help, his whole body has been shaking for about 30 counts (less than a minute) and during this shaking stage he can’t not talk at all. He would try to make noise but his “vocal cord just making rumbling sounds” (his own words). By the time we could hear him crying for help his shaking has stopped and he could talk. But his legs couldn’t move at all. And it seems like he didn’t have any control of his body from the waist down to his feet.

    In the daytime, he is fine. No shaking or trembling of any kind. He is funny and happy all the time. He is not on any medication… so normal but this. We just brought him to a neurologist and scheduled an appointment for EEG and another one with the sleeping disorder center. I will let you know what is happening. Until then, please post any information you have on this problem. I love the internet for this.

    To all the mothers out there with this problem, I feel for you. Hopefully, we can educate ourselves and have some understanding of this thing. Talk to you all soon. By the way, we now take turns sleeping with him to see what is really happening before he could call for help.

  27. Olivia

    My 6-year-old son has done this since he was a baby. It seems to happen more when he has not had enough sleep, or is woke up too early.

    I have four children, and none of my others ever did this. It is very strange, and it worries me. I don’t think it is a normal thing to happen, but I don’t know what it is.

    My son is responsive when he does this, but seems a little out of it. After he is up about 20-25 minutes, it stops. I am diabetic, and have a machine, so this morning, I checked his blood sugar after the episode. It was 99, so it was normal.

    Another thing my son has done before, is he will say things “look too far away”. Even if I am sitting right by him, he says I look far away.

    I told the doctor about this, but she had no information to offer and didn’t seem concerned, or offer to do any testing.

    1. Amanda

      My son did this recently with a fever, saying we looked far away.

  28. Keri

    First I want to say thank you all for posting your personal stories. It is comforting to know you are not alone in this. My oldest daughter who is now 15 suffered loss of blood/oxygen for seconds to the brain during a traumatic birth. She had seizures that looked like only her right arm and leg would stiffen and her eyes would bounce. The hospital did not even notice it, my mother did and she was in NICU for 14 days. She still suffers from seizures, but if she remembers her medicine, TEGRETOL/CARBITROL she has not had one in 8 months. I wanted to point out that her seizures start in her right arm. She can tell one is coming on because her arm will lift and shake on its own. She knows at this point to lay on the ground away from everything. I only mention this to those that are having movement in an extremity. YOU NEED TO GET an EEG to rule out partial seizures. That is what that is. Hers will start with a partial (thankfully) and she will become unconscious and seize for up to 10 minutes. Now with my baby…when I wake her usually by singing softly to her because she will sleep til noon she shakes. I pick her up out of her crib and place her on changing table. She is still making eye contact and she is trying to grab at my neckless, but it almost seems restrained and in slow motion. She was wet this morning from her diaper leaking, but I am going to video this tomorrow on my phone and take it to the dr. I will repost what he says. Seizures are not hereditary and no other person living or dead has had them in my family.

    I will repost next week what the DR says. If you have any questions you may ask… God Bless

  29. Json

    Hello, My Daughter was born with a condition called Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum. She wakes up every morning and from every nap shaking. At least 10 times a day she stops everything and stares into space. While her whole body seems to have locked up and is shaking she is still responsive. She takes 2 different medications to control these Seizures. What I’m getting at is most of you have children with the same symptoms. It might not be a bad idea to make sure they aren’t having Mini Seizures

  30. ana

    Instead of getting on here and asking questions go to a doctor, it could be numerous things, for example, I have anxiety, I get worried or worked up over something I shake uncontrollably for 15 to 30 mins….. it could be low blood sugar, or it could be that ur not in the room when they wake up(the attachment phase) and they get nervous your not there till they go out and see you. If they were crying real bad just throwing a fit, sometimes after calming down they shake because they got too worked up

  31. Cathy

    My daughter was having episodes where she was awake but her tongue was moving from side to side, her lips were trembling and her eyes were blinking rapidly, but she always maintained eye contact. They misdiagnosed her with a movement disorder. She was finally diagnosed with the complex partial seizures and has been on Phenobarb twice daily and has not had any more seizures at this time. Eventually, she went from the trembling/shaking episodes to the full seizures where she would go into a stare and then start shaking. We finally know what is going on and how to treat it. Her first 3 EEGs were normal until they did the 24 hours. Her MRI came back normal, they think this is something she will outgrow. Hope this helps!!!

    1. Cathy

      I meant to add that my daughter’s episodes always happened upon awakening too. She is progressing normally and you would not know that she has them.

  32. Sam

    My 2-year-old son just started about 6 months ago, it has only happened a handful of times for me, and maybe another dozen for my wife, but more often when he gets woken up rather than when he wakes up naturally, he will seem confused, glazed eyes. He shakes very bad and it has lasted for as much as 25 minutes and as little as 2 minutes. The only comfort I can give him is rocking him in the chair, I’ve tried to see if walking it off would help him but that only makes it worse since he’s shaking he can fall over easily. No history of diabetes in my family, once the shaking stops he is afraid to go back to sleep, and will be very cranky for about two hours, he won’t talk to his sister or us during this time. Hope someone has an answer.

  33. Dani

    My 3 yr old son, 2 yr old daughter, and now my 8-month-old son all shake a few times a week upon waking. What is going on?

    My 3 yr old did have a febrile seizure because of a high temp at 18 months, and my daughter at 24 months had some sort of heatstroke? It was like a seizure, but she was cool to the touch. It was summertime but not too bad.

    Now, my baby, 8 months shakes his hands fast and brings them to his mouth upon waking. My daughter started this in the ambulance on the way to the ER in her after seizure state (but it wasn’t a seizure) her eyes were glazed and fixed and she wasn’t moving except for shaking hands going to her mouth. They said her brain was normal. Does anybody have any answers out there?

  34. Nelson

    My son does the same and after all the tests were done he was finally diagnosed with epilepsy. I’m no doctor but I’m pretty sure that is the same situation every other parent on this thread is going through, in the least the child should be taken to the doctor, as waking up shaking is not a normal thing for anyone of any age. Best of luck to everyone!

  35. rys mamma

    My son is 5 months old & on a handful of occasions since he was born he has been napping then half wake up with his whole body shaking & fists clenched. It’s almost like he’s having a nightmare & gets startled. He doesn’t open his eyes & I tell him it’s okay, cuddle him & he goes right back to sleep.

    It really scared me when it happens bc it will last for 15 sec or so and his whole body is shaking. Is this a seizure, bad dream, or what? He’s perfectly healthy as well.

  36. DL

    I originally posted on 1/23/19. I just wanted to say when I checked with my son’s Pediatrician a week later, he said that it is not unusual for children that young to shudder or shake (as if cold) and stare into space, after waking from a nap. Remember, THIS HAS ONLY HAPPENED AFTER A SHORT (less than 3 hours) NAP. It has not happened at any other time and does not always happen after short naps.

    Good luck

  37. Bridget

    My 2-year-old has had the same shaking upon waking for about a year now. 6 months ago she began waking up in the middle of the night crying, shaking uncontrollably with a blank stare, and vomiting. This would happen at least 2-3 times a week. I took her to the neurologist and they did an EEG on her. It came back abnormal and he diagnosed her with epilepsy. She was having what he called partial seizures. Now she’s on Keppra and doing fine.

    I would recommend all of you to visit your neurologist and have the EEG done. My daughter’s seizures started out as just the shaking when she awoke but turned into waking up in the middle of the night. So, definitely go get your child checked.

  38. Cathy

    My 4-month-old just started this a week ago, upon awakening from a nap she has seizure-like events in which her eyes blink rapidly, her lips are quivering and she is shaking all over. It scares me so bad, she is being seen by a neurologist to rule out seizures, but he is seeming to think it is what they call “Shuddering Attacks”, nothing can be done for this, they have to outgrow it. The only thing is my daughter’s events are not always the same, sometimes she just shakes all over and it lasts for 1 to 1.5 min. She is sometimes limp after the latter episode. Has anyone has had this happen?

    1. Cathy

      We have seen the neurologist and found out that instead of shuddering attacks she has benign myoclonus. She has had two EEGs that are normal!!! They have stopped the Keppra, which was not working due to her not having true seizures. Something she will outgrow with no long-term effects. Just very scary to watch, she does not have them all the time and can go a few days not having them. Hope this helps!!! God Bless!!!

  39. heidi

    hello i just googled this as my 10-month-old daughter wakes up and shakes it doesn’t happen all the time but my mum said it used 2 happen 2 me when I was younger right up until i was at school I must have grown out of it as it doesn’t happen ne more I thought my daughter must just take after me i think it is when u wake up 2 quick just takes ur body time 2 adjust I’m not sure and I’m curious so googled it I will be asking the doctor but don’t think it’s ne thing 2 worry about

  40. Milly

    my son is 4 now and since he was about 10 months old he has done the same thing and still dose now iv taken him to the doctors and they don’t seem to know what it is but its so much better to know you all have had experts of this to and makes me more at easy to no its not that uncommon and its got to be harmless

  41. Tammy

    My two-year-old started shaking after playing. He has never done it before not even after a nap. It started in his leg and then he started shaking all over and had this blank stare on his face. He did it four times in a ten-minute period and it lasted for a while each time. He was standing up and could talk after and said mommy “I’m shaking” but he definitely wasn’t doing it on purpose. Could it just be muscle spasms from playing too hard kind of like after an adult exercises sometimes?
    Any input would be greatly appreciated!

  42. Lisa

    I just posted in another forum about this! has anyone found anything out? My 4-month-old daughter was shaking tonight when she got up to eat, was planning on a bath but just held her close till she was comfortable and fell back asleep!!?!?

    Any information would be greatly appreciated!

    Really surprised that there is not more information on this matter.!
    but I am happy to hear it’s more common than I thought it would be…

    Being a 22 y/o first-time mom, things scare me!

  43. Cecilia

    I am desperate, He does this for about 10 minutes it looks like he has to throw up, Sometimes he does others he just spits foam. He has a blank stare, he moans, others he cries… If someone has found the reasons please post this… He is getting treated by a neurologist already. I will be back with his response. thanks

  44. Christie

    Whenever your baby shakes, it doesn’t mean he’s having a seizure, it doesn’t mean something is wrong with him/her.

    To calm your child down hold him/her close and stroke her down her back and down her body. This should calm the shaking down.

    Shaking could sometimes be because they are confused (i.e. upon waking up), scared (maybe by some sudden movement or just nervous, especially if they tend to be the more cautious type, or working hard.

    It’s good to give your child a massage with lotion on her bare skin twice daily. It’s good for input, bonding, and emotional health.

  45. Amy

    My son is 5 months old and just started shaking upon waking up. He has shaken 4 times in the past 72 hours and prior to this never done anything like it before.

    The first time seemed to be the worst and lasted 10 or so seconds. I thought it was lack of sleep so I started a sleep diary and it still happened (not as bad) when he had gotten plenty of sleep. Nothing else wrong and he doesn’t seem bothered by it. His eyes don’t roll and he remains focused on me and my husband. Once he is picked up and held close it stops.

    I am calling the Dr. again tomorrow to let them know it has happened again. The Dr. told me to keep my mommy antennas up but I really don’t think it is that serious just unexplainable. Babies do all sorts of things that no one can explain.

    My mother remembers my sister and I doing it when we were babies too so that is a relief to know because we have no health problems that we are aware of. My child is also very active on the go all of the time. He is a twin and by far more active so maybe his brain is going when his body is not???

    I hope I helped calm a mom out there. I’ll be praying for our children they are all so precious and remember even though we don’t know what is going on with our babies God does and he will provide 🙂

  46. My story

    hello, my daughter did this after she was born. She would shake uncontrollably and had a look in her eyes like she was dazed and confused. It would take some cuddling as well, and a few minutes. I am pretty sure it is neurological.

    She was quite a large baby when born for me to have, the dr. wasn’t ready to do a c-section, and it was a very difficult birth. She was too large for my vaginal area, I split through my rectum muscles. She only came out after the suction machine pulled on her skull and a nurse climbed up on my belly and pushed her out.

    I often think the traumatic delivery had something to do with it because I had the “baby shakes” after I had her. I shook uncontrollably when I would stand up and try to walk for a couple of days. I also had passed out during the birth from the pain. The doctor said she ripped me from the inside out.

    A few years later, I started having uncontrollable shaking as well, that would lead to coma states. The doctors treated me and tested me for hypoglycemia and diabetes, but eventually found out that it was all neurological. I have narcolepsy.

    Narcolepsy is where the brain can’t control the sleep/wake cycles in the brain. My daughter hasn’t been diagnosed with it, but the dr. said she has classic symptoms of it. After 20 years it took to get a diagnosis for me, I look back and see similarities that identify with early stages of narcolepsy.

    This is all just food for thought.

  47. Jessica

    My story is the exact story of these..! 2.5 year old. shakes and has a blank stare when she first wakes up. It’s not EVERY time but I notice it at least 2 times a week when I’m right beside her when she wakes up. It takes about maybe 15 seconds for her to be completely over it… and I’ll pick her up and she’ll slowly come out of it and be more responsive. I hope this is something they grow out of. I’ve always thought it was just he being scared and trying to get her bearings of where she’s at when she wakes up. I have no idea! Now that I’ve read all this I’m a little scared!

  48. maria

    Hello everybody,

    My son (2.5 years old) also shakes when waking up. I never thought it could be a problem, however, I wanted to know why this happens and that is why I have googled to know. I have tried in Spanish and French and found nothing. Only in English, I have found these comments.
    I am going to ask the doctor as soon as possible.

    I do not give sugar to my son. He eats lots of fruits, and I consider it is not necessary to give him extra sugar. He also eats biscuits and some chocolate from time to time. Could it be that his body needs more sugar??

    He is a very bad ‘sleeper’. Never wants to go to bed and it takes him more than one hour every time to fall asleep (also for the afternoon nap). Sometimes he sleeps through the entire night, but most nights he wakes up at least once…

    I hope you can continue to add info to this page.

  49. wondering

    Has anyone found out why this keeps happening? My son has done it since he was 2 months not 6 and I thought nothing of it until one day I could not get him to stop at all his dad has diabetes and his grandfather and great grandmother used to should I be seeing if he has it too?

  50. My daughter too

    My daughter has been shaking when she wakes up since I can remember. I always just figured she was adjusting to being awake and normally she is fine after a little bit of cuddle time. She woke up from a nap at my MIL’s the other day and was shaky and my MIL got very concerned, so now of course, I am feeling concerned about it! I would love to know if anyone has any info about it?

  51. Jessica

    I’m glad I finally decided to do some research and stumble upon this. Diabetes never crossed my mind. Unfortunately, my mom recently found out she is diabetic. God I hope not. Like everyone else I didn’t think it was anything to worry about but now i’m not sure. He has been shaking since I can remember every time he wakes in the morning, in the middle of the night, and from his naps. Also I have another concern, my son doesn’t sleep well he wakes up kicking and hitting and always wanting a drink. He drinks a lot and I’m really freaking out right about now. What do you think?

  52. Worried

    My son has been doing this since he was about 2-3 months old. It seems to be worse when he is woken up rather than when he wakes on his own. Has anyone had a diagnosis yet?

  53. My baby too

    my baby’s legs used to shake quite often from birth; took him to the doctors and pediatrician neurologist and they said it’s just his central nervous system developing. It stopped at 3 months but the other day (he’s now 7 months) I woke him up to get him out of the car and he was shaking/twitching all over. it stopped when I picked him up but I’m really worried again now. I was beside myself with worry when he was doing it the first time.

  54. Anonymous

    The craniosacral has helped a lot with the shaking (he barely shakes now). His cold is also gone and he’s not throwing up anymore. – I would recommend to go to a CST and a neurologist. To find a CST you could google Upledger institute. If anyone decides to try to go to one please give me feedback.

  55. tanya

    When I was pregnant I would feel twitching in my belly. I know it was the baby twitching. Doctor said it was ok.

    When he was born he had leg spasms, where it would shake uncontrollable. but then stopped after 3 months. Around 6 months he started this shaking all over after he woke up and when he is frustrated and even when he is just playing. He shakes his arms and hands a lot. Even so much that he watches his own hands shake. When he does it and I am close to him, I put my hands on his arms or hands and it stops.

    The doctor told me to do that and see what the reaction is. Does it stop or continue even with me putting pressure on it. I am taking him to the doctors this week to see what else we can do. I will ask about the diabetes, because my father had it.

    Thank you for that information. I will also check back and update any other info I receive from the doctor.

    Good luck to all the mothers that are dealing with this. Let us all pray its nothing.

  56. MEmomma

    I just googled this very same topic. My daughter is 14 months old and has been doing this a lot recently. It has me a bit worried that its low blood sugar because of our family history of diabetes. I’m going to make her an appointment tomorrow. I’ll let you know if I find anything out.

  57. metoo

    I’m worried too. My 10-month-old baby shakes when he wakes up or plays or is upset. He also has reflux (GERD), has been slow to gain weight, and throws up every once in a while. The pediatrician gave me medicine for reflux, but that didn’t really help.

    I’m taking him to craniosacral therapists, and I am going to schedule an appointment with a neurologist. He also has a cold that won’t go away. I’m really worried about him.

  58. Faylee

    I’m curious as well. My daughter is now 4 years old and has shaken upon awakening since birth. When she was a baby, my friends and family said it’s just an infant thing and it would go away once she gained motor control.

    It’s not as bad if she wakes up on her own, but it’s really bad if she’s been woken up. I asked the doctor at her last checkup and she was clueless. She checked her for diabetes and hypoglycemia and those tests were normal. She wasn’t concerned and said I shouldn’t be either unless other symptoms show. It still worries me though.

  59. me

    My 4 mo will shake when he wakes up, he doesn’t seem real responsive just a somewhat blank stare until it is over with.

  60. mel

    I have just googled this and its brought up your comments.

    I have noticed that my little one shakes when he wakes, he has woken naturally – then shakes or slowly twitches his arms and legs – difficult to explain and certainly not distressing to him and nothing I feel I need to rush round about – rather like an adult when they are cold. He does not cry and responds to me.

    This is about the 4th time I have seen this. My little one was premature and had a intraventricular bleed – his last brain scan was normal and although obviously a little behind with his milestones due to his prematurity is a bright responsive little boy.

    I have an appointment in may with the paeds and neurologist and will mention this – I will post back and let you know what they say. Obviously I am looking for very little thing – I used to be a midwife and have seen babies have fits and convulsions and I am worried this is a mild sort of fit- anyway – hopefully its normal – I like to think that it is to do with the immature brain – so fingers crossed.

  61. kim

    My granddaughter wakes up and shakes, every muscle in her body seems affected when this happens, from her fingers to her little toes. What does this mean?

    Any information out there on this matter?

  62. Crystal

    I took her to the Dr for it yesterday and they are now testing her glucose levels. We have a family history of type I and II Diabetes and she wants to rule it out. Their blood sugar could be falling during sleep since that’s the longest period they are without food, If that’s not the case then it could be just some weird ideology that she eventually will grow out of, Hopefully.

  63. Michelle

    Our 2-year-old son does this occasionally. I plan on mentioning it to the ped. on our next well-baby visit (soon). The shaking is more noticeable in his hands and I am beginning to think it is low blood sugar. It’s a classic sign of low blood sugar and he seems to quit as soon as he eats. I was googling it tonight because I wondered if it was a common thing, and I found this. I hope you guys will do feedback when you find out. This really helps! Thanks!

  64. Erin

    I’m not a kid nor a baby… Just want to share… I woke up this morning instantly, as like I wasn’t sleeping at all, with my right hand moving on its own… I don’t know what’s happening as I was panicking… I really don’t know what’s happening with my right hand… This happened twice already… Just for about 3 mins or so then it stops… I can’t control it while it’s moving. It’s like being paralyzed at all. Pls, help.. ty

    1. worried

      I have had this happen to me a couple of times recently. I am 53 and could be my nervous system is getting stressed. I don’t know what causes it, but it does freak me out, too! It’s like watching my arm go out of control. I do have an older brother who is in the final stages of MS (not saying this is related to MS), and he just recently started having his right arm (same as mine) go up in the air and point at things. (I don’t have MS) I asked him if he knew his arm was doing this, and he said, “Yes, it does it on its own.” I would get a scan or something to make sure you aren’t having something happening with your “brain”, because this is what my brother is having… the MS has invaded his “brain” and is causing all sorts of weird stuff. I hope this helps.

  65. LeahM

    I have a 4-year-old son. He has a very complicated medical background from mild cerebral palsy, immune deficiency, and GI problems. He has been shaking during his sleep and when awakes. He starts shaking, then sits up, vomits, and screams and screams. Nothing calms him down, after about 2 minutes he stops crying and goes back to sleep. He doesn’t remember any of it and often wonders why he has on different pajamas in the morning (I changed them since he vomited). I took videos of these episodes to the doctor, who then ordered an EEG and sleep study with EEG during sleep. There was no seizure activity. The only thing noted was that my son has asthma. They said his oxygen level would drop, he would wake up and start to cough to catch his breath and vomit. When this all occurred he was in stage 1 sleep and wouldn’t remember any of this. He is now on daily meds (oral, inhaler & nebulizer). We have not seen any changes so far. I will keep you posted and good luck to all of you!

  66. Rachel

    My 13-month-old had a seizure when he was 9 months old for 2 hours. He was rushed to the Bostons children’s hospital in a helicopter when they got it under control, he was on medication and I have an emergency seizure injection if it happens again. They never found the cause of it and have been very cautious ever since and the smallest thing scares me with him… We took him off the med because of the side effects later on in life are awful and he has been waking up lately to shaking. Yesterday it was so bad we thought it was a seizure but he was crying hysterically… from the sounds of it this all seems so common in babies I just wish there was an answer for it all

  67. DL

    I was recently told, on at least 2 occasions, by the daycare center that after my son shakes after his nap. Today they said he did it for about 20 minutes. I know that they sometimes wake him from his nap because he will sleep for 3 hours or more if they let him. I was also told that one time, he had a blank stare on his face. I have not observed this myself and I think it’s because I don’t wake him from his naps. I let him wake on his own.

  68. David

    My sons 13 months and he started having the shakes after he got his one year old shots. He got 6 at once. I think that is what is making him shake when he wakes up. And the drs just don’t want to tell the truth about it. Next time he goes to the dr I’m going to ask about that. Maybe you should check in to that too. Thanks for your time. 29 dec 2018

  69. mom

    My son would shake after waking up in the morning from age 1-4. He was a low birth weight baby and always small for his age. It was in fact due to low sugar after being asleep for 9+ hours.

    I was advised to give him a high-protein snack before bed which helped out tremendously. As he got older, he outgrew it. However, as a Mom…if you are concerned, see your Pediatrician. Good Luck!

  70. LW

    For anyone experiencing this type of shaking etc with a child 24 months or less, please have them examined by a pediatric neurologist. Travel to see one if you have to, but don’t put it off. Well-meaning regular pediatricians often miss rare neurological disorders that may need immediate intervention. There’s still a good chance the shaking could be benign, but only trust the pediatric neurologist’s assessment. Google videos of infantile spasms and video your own child for the doctor.

  71. courtney

    I have a one year old who has what I call shaking episodes only at night it wakes him up.out of his sleep this has been going on since apil I spoke with his doctor who ordered an eeg he also sees a neurologist my.son just recently had a spell in the middle of the night that was different then the others he woke up crying so u picked him up and his entire left side went limp his head just fell he wouldn’t respond to me or open his eyes the doctors want to put him on acid reflux medications to see if that helps has anyone else experience this with there children ?

    1. Cheryl Davis

      THAT will not help. Take him to a specialty children’s hospital.

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