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june 2016 blog income reportPin

June 2016 is my sixth blog income report. I decided in January 2016 to focus more (i.e. at all) on what I earn from my blogging. You’ll find earlier blog income reports here.

June 2016 is an official summer month (Yes!) and with that comes great weather and not-so-great website traffic numbers. It happens every year that people are more out and about than visiting my blog. It is ok. I’ve continued writing – I really LOVE blogging – and I’ve tried to do something about my extremely poor social media presence. I can’t understand why I’ve so stupid. Especially since it is so much fun to connect! I have started to really love Pinterest!

After I switched to A2 for web hosting in April, my website has continued to work like a clock. It is such a relief! So happy that I finally dared to move away from my former web host. (Feel free to guess which web host I used to have by leaving a comment below. :-)

This is also my first full month of letting Mediavine handle all my banner ads.

Now let’s take a look at my blog earnings and traffic this month.

Blog Income June 2016

  • Amazon – $76
  • Mediavine Ad Network – $1,708 My NEW ad network :-)

Grand total – $1,708 That’s a 7% increase compared to May. Not bad with a new ad network and slowing down summer traffic. But I really, really, really have to do something about what I earn money on. I really only have one income stream! At least, it makes accounting easy… :-)

Blog Expenses June 2016

  • Aweber – $29.99 (Still considering other alternatives – maybe ConvertKit – what do you think..?)
  • Sucuri – $16.66 per month This company provides hacking protection and unlimited website cleaning if your website was hacked. (I paid for a full year immediately, $199, but will only count cost for 1 month. SO. VERY. WORTH. IT.)
  • Cost for my new host A2, where I now splurge on a Managed VPS account – $55 (per month with all bells and whistles, 2 year contract)

Total costs – $102

Net Income June 2016 – $1,506

This is slightly up compared to last month due to the somewhat higher income. Still so very much better than in January 2016!!

Let’s have a look at traffic numbers and finally RPM for the month.

Blog Traffic June 2016

Here are some screenshots from Google Analytics to show my traffic for June 2016.

june 2016 blog trafficPin

Page views fell about 10% to 300,734. As I said, expected but annoying.

I’ve continued working a bit with my Pinterest. It is a lot of fun, but oh, I wish I had started earlier!!! I actually also started a FREE trial with Boardbooster, a web-based tool to help manage your Pinterest boards. So far, it seems really efficient in scheduling pins. It didn’t take much time to realize that pinning can easily eat up all your time! I’ll watch the effects of my trials and let you know the results. :-)

Traffic sources are, as usual, mainly Google. I hope with me getting my head straight on social media, I will gain other traffic sources over time. Pinterest traffic actually went DOWN this month by 10%. Hmm, I probably really need Boardbooster – or not! Maybe I need something else. I’ll figure it out!

june2016 blog traffic sourcesPin

Now putting all this together and calculating RPM (revenue per 1000 page views)…

Grand RPM is $5.68

May RPM was only $4.78, so that’s at least a small jump, don’t you think?

By the way, another FREE resource that I’ve started to use and really love is Grammarly. It makes proof-reading so quick and easy and I have actually started to go through all my old posts too with Grammarly. (Yikes, spelling mistakes everywhere!) If you are not familiar with Grammarly, I just wrote a post about how to use it the best way here.

I am super happy!

Find all my blogging tips and income reports here.

Please let me know what you think about these blog income reports by leaving a comment below! :-)

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This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Yandra

    Wow! This is very impressive. I would love to feature it my post! Would that be okay?

    1. Paula @ EasyBabyLife

      Sure! πŸ˜€

      1. Yandra

        Thanks. I will be working on it this weekend. I will let you know when it is published!

        1. Paula @ EasyBabyLife

          Sounds great, thanks! πŸ‘

      2. Yandra

        Hello. I have updated my post to include your as an inspirational blogger to follow.

        1. Paula @easybabylife

          That’s awesome, Yandra! Thanks you! And I’ll keep you updated – hope to be able to present better earnings over time! :-)

          1. Yandra

            Hi Paula. You’re welcome!

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