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Buying baby clothing gifts is a lot of fun; there are so many cute items to choose from.

But if you want the clothes to be both cute and useful, read our guide here for what clothes to buy and what not to buy for babies month by month.

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Before I had my own children, I made many mistakes in this area. And no wonder; how was I to know that socks are pretty useless for newborn babies, for example? Well, I learned from experience.

So, if you’re not sure what to buy for your sister’s newborn or your neighbor’s 6-month-old, or even your own baby, use my guide below.

Baby Clothing Gift Ideas

0-3 Months Baby Clothes

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When buying baby clothing gifts aimed at the newborn baby (up to 3 months old), a good starting point is what this little fellow can do and likes to do.

A newborn baby pretty much lies down sleeping, eating, or just looking around most of the time (or crying…). However, he or she has very little control over their limbs and poor vision. The suckling and rooting reflexes are strong.

If you want to buy clothes for the newborn baby, you’ve also got to remember that newborn infants grow incredibly fast. So:

  • Buy something appropriate for the current season.
  • Buy something comfortable to sleep in since that’s what newborn babies mainly do. (Or at least they lie down most of the time). Hence, no large buttons or uncomfortable seams.
  • Socks are hopeless at this age; they usually fall off. Consider buying footed baby pants instead.
  • Don’t buy anything with an attached hood or collar. When the hood or collar touches the baby’s cheek, it triggers the rooting and suckling reflex, making the poor baby search for the nipple in vain.
  • Avoid clothes that you have to pull over the head unless the opening can be made very wide, especially for first-time parents. Pulling a too-tight top over a newborn baby’s head can be scary unless you are used to it.
  • Great buys are (organic) onesies and bodysuits that open with easy buttons between the legs and trousers that have a soft, wide waistband and built-in feet (unless it is summer or you live in a warm climate.)

Baby clothes to buy for the newborn baby:

  • White and light colors (go well with breast milk and formula burps)
  • Soft clothes that don’t need to be pulled over the head
  • Onesies rather than shirts
  • Trousers with feet
  • Trousers and pajamas that can be opened at the bottom to change diapers without undressing the baby. (Newborn babies generally hate being naked unless the air is really warm.)
  • Clothes without hoods and collars.

3-6 Months Baby Clothes

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tips on Baby Clothing GiftsPinWhen the baby has reached the prominent age of between 3 to 6 months, life has often become a little bit easier for the new family. The baby might eat a bit less often, colic usually disappears, the nights might have become a bit easier or at least more predictable, and the baby is quite content and curious. Many babies start rolling over during this age and may also become able to sit up with support.

Baby clothing gifts should still be soft and aimed at babies that do a lot of lying down. But since the baby is much steadier, tops and bodies that you pull over the head are usually not a problem anymore.

Baby clothes to buy for the 3-6-month-old baby:

  • Onesies rather than shirts – no problem if pulled over the head
  • Trousers with or without feet
  • For girls, tights can now be very practical and cute to combine with a soft dress or short skirt. (Well, in winter, tights are very practical for boys, too, instead of long underwear and socks, but some parents don’t seem to like using them for their baby boys.)
  • Collars and hoods are not as big a problem anymore, as the suckling and rooting reflexes are slowly disappearing.

6-9 Months Baby Clothes

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Between 6 and 9 months, many babies figure out how to move around one way or the other. So by now, trousers should not have feet. Many babies start scooting over the floor using their hands and toes – tough with slippery socks or trousers on.

Baby clothes to buy for the 6-9-month-old baby:

  • Onesies are still practical- no problem if pulled over the head
  • When the baby starts sitting up more, shirts instead of bodysuits work, too
  • Trousers without feet
  • Trousers with a soft waist to maximize mobility
  • Soft soles shoes can be good for babies that have started practicing walking. Just make sure that they are not slippery.

9-12 Months Baby Clothes

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Now, your baby is likely to have developed his or her pincer grasp. This means that buttons become quite dangerous if he can reach them. Also, many babies now have two sharp teeth in each of their jaws, making any buttons or applications very tempting.

9-12 months is also an excellent time for the baby to start feeding themselves. Finger foods are a great way to practice the pincer grasp. However, this means this age is not good for buying white clothes! Dark or bright colors are much more likely to survive your baby’s eating habits.

Big baby bibs are a great investment!

If your baby has started to crawl on their hands and knees, you can start buying shirts instead of onesies. Trying to button the bodysuit on a wriggling baby is hard, and if he or she doesn’t crawl with the belly against the floor anymore, a onesie is not as necessary for comfort.

Baby clothes to buy for the 9-12-month-old baby:

  • Clothes with bright or dark colors so that they don’t become destroyed immediately from the baby’s effort to learn how to feed himself.
  • Clothes that can be washed in warm water (for the same reason).
  • Big baby bibs (for the same reason…)
  • Shirts instead of onesies if the baby has started to crawl (or walk).
  • Clothes without buttons that can be grabbed and chewed.
  • Soft soles shoes can still be excellent for babies that have started to practice walking or actually walk.

Buying Baby Clothing Gifts Online

Now, you are all set to buy great baby clothing gifts. Want to shop online?
There are so many shops out there, and here is a list of my favorite online stores for baby clothes.

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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Kate Hansen

    It’s good to know that you should get clothes that are comfortable. My sister is going to be having a baby in a couple of weeks, and I want to look into finding some clothes to get for her as a gift, and I want to make sure that I get the right kind. I’ll make sure to keep this information in mind as I search for clothes to get for her baby.

  2. rachel frampton

    My sister just gave birth, and I would like to buy clothes for her baby girl. I agree with you that it will be best to select clothing that will be appropriate for this season. I’d also keep in mind to avoid buying anything with a hood because according to you, this can trigger suckling reflex.

    1. Paula @ EasyBabyLife

      Hi Rachel,
      Thanks for stopping by and good luck with your shopping! :-)

  3. Picalo

    Nice Blog ,I really like your all Post and useful Information.

  4. GedvilÄ—

    Wow, really useful tips. Thanks!
    We had a very wamr merino wool bodysuit from a shop Green Rose. It unbuttoned on the side so it was a real help for me as a first time mommy. Plus, it was less stresful for the baby :)

  5. James Avilla

    Really cool guide. Different type of baby clothes on every month.

  6. Cute Baby Store

    Cool Post!

  7. SizeCast: Kids Size Forecaster

    We loved the footed pants! These days though we avoid tights because LO slips on hard floors in them.

  8. Jessica

    Nice article! However, you can also buy some baby gifts also.

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