Welcome to the second trimester glow, moms-to-be! At 14 weeks pregnant, your baby’s growth is in full swing, and you might even get a sneak peek at their gender during an ultrasound. Some of you may start to feel the first flutters of baby movement, a magical moment to look forward to.
In this article, we’ll dive into your baby’s development, size, and the exciting changes in your body. We’re also decoding pregnancy symptoms and revealing what to expect in the coming weeks. So, settle in and let’s explore this incredible stage of your pregnancy journey together.
In this article:
How Many Months is 14 Weeks Pregnant?
Counting weeks and months during pregnancy can be quite confusing.
Two things make it difficult. First, pregnancy is calculated from the first day of your last period. For example, you ovulate at the end of being “2 weeks pregnant”.
Secondly, calendar months are not full weeks!
This is where it gets a bit confusing! We say that pregnancy is 9 months, but 40 weeks… It doesn’t go together, which is why most doctors don’t talk about months at all, only weeks!
So how many months are 14 weeks?
Think of it the same way as with how old you are. (30 years old, once completed 30 years…) You are 8 months pregnant when you have completed 8 months of pregnancy.
So when 14 weeks pregnant, you are 3 months pregnant but in your fourth month. You can read more about pregnancy weeks and months and how to calculate them hereHow to Calculate Pregnancy Weeks to Months in 2 Easy Ways.
Also to be noted:
You just entered the second trimester!
Your Baby’s Development
How Big is My Baby at 14 Weeks?
Right now, your baby is about 3.5 inches in length (9 cm) and weighs only about 1.5 ounces (43 grams), as much as a small chocolate bar or a peach.
You’ll find a handy (and cute!) chart for baby size by pregnancy week here, with more detailed measures and fruit comparisons.
What Does My Baby Look Like?
Your baby’s fetal age is now 12 weeks.
More and more baby-like for every day that passes…
The body is growing faster than the head now, and the neck is more distinct. The chin no longer rests on the chest.
The arms will look more in proportion to the body now than they have before, but the legs will still need some time to lengthen.
You will feel the effects of these moving arms and legs in just a few short weeks. Exciting!
Many women can feel the movement of their child for the first time somewhere between pregnancy week 16 and 20.
Second-time pregnant women usually feel it earlier. For one of my children (not the first), I felt movement already when 14 weeks pregnant, while some moms don’t feel anything until 22 weeks pregnant. Both are equally normal.
Gender reveal ultrasound scans are quite common this week.
Would you like to know the gender in advance? Vote in this baby gender poll to find out the share of pregnant moms and dads who want to find out the gender of their unborn baby.
The video below shows an ultrasound scan in 3D and 4D at the beginning of week 14.
Fetal Development Milestones
14 weeks pregnant is the start of the biggest growth time of your baby’s time inside the womb. Your little one will dramatically increase in size and weight over the next few months.
Your baby’s heart beats at a rate that is twice as fast as your own as it pumps blood to the organs and tissues within.
The hands and feet are also more flexible now and measure about 0.5 inches long (1.3 cm).
Lanugo begins to grow over your baby’s entire body, which is a fine, downy covering of hair to help protect the skin while in the uterus for the remainder of the pregnancy.
The liver begins to produce bile, and the spleen starts to produce red blood cells.
New skill – your baby can now pee! The kidneys produce urine released into the amniotic fluid surrounding your baby. This will continue right up until the baby is born.
Mom’s Body
Your Body and Belly
This time of your pregnancy can be a happy, relaxing time. Many women have already shared the news with their friends and family, and the early negative pregnancy symptoms might have subsided.
Your belly is growing.
Your uterus is now likely to have expanded above the pelvis – can you feel it if you lay down on your back?
Pregnancy Symptoms in Week 14
Your uterus is still pressing down on your bowels, and the hormones are interfering with your digestion, making constipation more likely than ever. Be sure to maintain a balanced diet and drink lots of fluids to help alleviate constipation.
The veins in your chest and breasts may become more noticeable due to an increase in circulation and the developing mammary glands. Your areolas may become darker. This is all necessary to get your body ready for breastfeeding once the new baby arrives.
14 weeks pregnant, some women will notice that their breasts are becoming fuller or still very tender, while others may not have any of these symptoms. Each pregnancy is different, and your symptoms may differ from those of your friend or neighbor.
You might experience stomach pains, like shooting pains at the sides of your stomach. This pain has a fancy name, “round ligament pains”, and is simply your womb growing to accommodate your rapidly growing baby.
Be sure that you are getting enough vitamins and nutrients from your diet as well as supplementing with a prenatal vitamin.
Making sure you are getting your folic acid is essential for the growth and development of a healthy baby.
If your body craves a specific type of food, such as fruit or red meat, follow those cravings since it is your body telling you exactly what it needs to help nourish you and your growing baby. (Unless you crave red wine or only chocolate all day, of course… :-) )
Try to stay away from snacking on junk food constantly, but an occasional treat of chocolate or sugary snacks is fine. :-)
To learn more about healthy eating during pregnancy, read this article.
Things to Do and Buy This Week
- If you have now had an ultrasound to check your baby’s gender, buy some small gifts for your little boy or girl! OR, of course, some neutral for your baby if you don’t know the gender yet.
- A baby registry is fun! Amazon has one of the best (You can also check out this post with a number of different baby registries to check out.
- What to Expect When You’re Expecting: The best-ever selling pregnancy book.
- Maternity times, ladies! It is definitely time to do some shopping!
- Continue to take pregnancy belly photos every week! Even if you don’t think your baby bump is much to document yet, it soon will be, and it is so much fun to see the growth in pictures!
- You may want to start getting things in order if you are the type to organize things early or at least start the process.
Week 14 Pregnancy Video
Pregnancy Diary of a Daughter
What’s it really like being 14 weeks pregnant…? Here’s a true diary from a 14 weeks pregnant mom (Me..!)
Almost none of my trousers fit anymore. Even my panties hurt! I have much more energy now but experienced a lot of cramps (again!!) after doing laundry. Coffee tastes good again!
Are you also 14 weeks pregnant? Please share your experiences and thoughts by leaving a comment below!
More About the Second Trimester
- Poll: Is your sex drive higher or lower?
- See what your baby is up to in these fetal development videos
- Breast changes during pregnancy and beyond
Joanne Stone MD and Keith Eddleman MD, The Pregnancy Bible: Your Complete Guide to Pregnancy and Early Parenthood
Nilsson, L; Hamberger, L. A Child Is Born
Soderberg, L., Mammapraktika. B Wahlstroms.
Image 1: Image of 14 weeks belly by mylissa

Paula Dennholt founded Easy Baby Life in 2006 and has been a passionate parenting and pregnancy writer since then. Her parenting approach and writing are based on studies in cognitive-behavioral models and therapy for children and her experience as a mother and stepmother. Life as a parent has convinced her of how crucial it is to put relationships before rules. She strongly believes in positive parenting and a science-based approach.
Paula cooperates with a team of pediatricians who assist in reviewing and writing articles.