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Why would you consider hiring a doula? Additional costs and a more crowded birthing room… Aren’t midwives, doctors, nurses, and a partner more than enough?

Well, not necessarily. Some women actually feel that they could have thrown out their nervous hubby and just had the doula by their side… (Not something we recommend at all, though.) Just like mom, your partner should really prepare for childbirth to make it an experience for you to share as a team; a doula can help both the mom and dad during childbirth!

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Many studies during the past three decades have shown significant benefits of hiring a doula.

A recent Swedish study investigated midwives’ experiences of doula support. The study showed that midwives experience that doulas are a facilitator for them:

“Doulas provide support by enhancing the degree of peace and security and improving communication with the women in childbirth. Doulas also provide increased opportunities for transcultural care. They may increase childbearing women’s confidence and satisfaction, help meet the diverse needs of childbearing women, and improve care quality.” (Midwifery 2011 Jan 12)

Many people think a doula is only responsible for assisting with delivery. However, a doula can also offer help and support during your prenatal care period. They can also be an essential postpartum support person.

Another recent US study confirmed the benefits of postpartum doulas, who help new parents with the transition to life with their new infant. This is not something that the doctors and midwives usually do at all after the mother’s discharge from the hospital.

So if you are heading towards the last part of your pregnancy or you are simply planning for giving birth, definitely take a look at these benefits (and costs) of a doula to make an educated choice whether to hire one or not.

Hiring A Doula – Benefits & Costs

Benefits of a doula

First a few measurable benefits from doula support during labor:

  • 50% reduction of cesarean rate
  • 25% shorter labor
  • 60% reduction in epidural requests
  • 30% reduction in analgesia use
  • 40% reduction in forceps delivery

And here are the softer benefits of hiring a doula that you’ll personally notice during and after childbirth:

  • Someone who really has been there, done that before, which can reduce stress for the mom and dad just knowing.
  • Help you if you’re scared
  • Help you and your hubby if your hubby is scared
  • Help you let go of the control and simply let your body (and the doula) guide you through childbirth.
  • Can be the only person who can keep everyone’s nerves calm and cool during childbirth. She can be integral in facilitating communication and letting your support team and midwife or doctors know what you need and want. She can be your advocate.
  • Your doula can assist a midwife with your examinations.
  • Can provide massage, breathing help, and so on during delivery and teach massage and breathing techniques to your partner.
  • Can also help provide any emotional or physical support you need if you’re dealing with a difficult pregnancy.
  • Depending on the level of training a doula has, she may attend your home labor
  • If you are at home, a doula can contact the hospital if needed and drive you there if you have to.
  • Can answer your questions about newborn baby care
  • Can answer your questions about your post-pregnancy body and emotions
  • Can answer questions about breastfeeding and latching on. Don’t miss that opportunity!
  • Can offer nutrition guidelines and information designed specifically for you and your personal health needs.
  • Can also offer you guidance when it comes to rest, exercise, and offer support.
  • Postpartum doulas also visit you in your home and provide emotional support.
  • Some postpartum doulas also help you manage tasks and responsibilities as a new mother.
  • Finally, postpartum doulas are familiar with postpartum depression signs, symptoms, and care. They can be there to help you right away.

So as you can see, there are very many benefits to hiring a doula.

What does a doula cost?

Then what does it cost to hire a doula?
The cost of hiring a doula really depends on both where you live and what types of services you want from the doula. The cost in the United States is often somewhere between $350 and $1000, depending on geography, services, and the level of experience of the particular doula.

The best way to find a doula is to call a few doulas in your area and ask them about their rates. Be sure to ask what is included in the price and what kind of training and experience they have so that you can make an informed choice. You should also take your time to meet a couple of doulas you believe you might be interested in hiring to make sure you like them on a personal level.

You can also check with your hospital if they offer free or low-cost doula services. Not all, but some do. And speaking about costs, it may also be worth checking with your company and your insurance company if either may cover part of your doula costs.

Doulas in training may also be possible if the price for an experienced one is too high for you. Another option is to hint to friends that a gift card for a doula would be a great baby shower present.

Why a doula video clip

Here you can watch a video explaining doula support.

The Essential Ingredient: Doula

Birth doula or postpartum doula?

A final tip – there is a difference between a birth doula and a postpartum doula. Not all doulas offer both services. The doula you probably think of first is a birth doula, and she may very well offer home visits after the child is born. A postpartum doula is usually hired hourly for a few days or a couple of weeks and will help you both with tips, tricks, and hands-on help with the baby.

You can find a postpartum doula through many of the doula certification organization websites; most have a referral service or database online. As for typical cost, the rates range from $15 to $35 an hour in the US, depending on location, the doula’s experience and training level, and how many hours you decide to hire her.

If you really want a postpartum doula but the price seems a bit high, request gift certificates from friends. “It makes a great baby shower gift.

Sometimes insurance will help pay, so be sure to call them and ask. It’s also worth looking into local organizations that help low-income families find pregnant and postpartum help.

Learn more

If you want more doula information to help you plan for your childbirth, check out any of these books. (The links go to Amazon for more information and reviews.)

Hopefully, you have enough information about hiring a doula to start planning for your childbirth. Good luck! If you want to read other mothers’ birth stories, here is the place to go.

Read Next


Gruber KJ, Cupito SH, Dobson CF. Impact of Doulas on Healthy Birth Outcomes. The Journal of Perinatal Education. 2013;22(1):49-58. doi:10.1891/1058-1243.22.1.49.

Akhavan S, Lundgren I., Midwives’ experiences of doula support for immigrant women in Sweden- A qualitative study. Midwifery. 2011 Jan 12.

Campbell-Voytal K, Fry McComish J, Visger JM, Rowland CA, Kelleher J., Postpartum doulas: Motivations and perceptions of practice. Midwifery. 2010 Nov 3.

Nommsen-Rivers LA, Mastergeorge AM, Hansen RL, Cullum AS, Dewey KG. Doula care, early breastfeeding outcomes, and breastfeeding status at 6 weeks postpartum among low-income primiparae.J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2009 Mar-Apr;38(2):157-73.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Charlotte Fleet

    I love how you stated that a birth doula can reduce the parent’s stress because they have done it before. My older sister is pregnant and she wants to have the best birthing experience possible. I will suggest that she look into hiring a birth doula to make the whole process much easier and stress-free for her and her husband.

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